In-Store Ads Versus Out-of-Store

When it comes to retail advertising, the idea of which is more effective, In-Store or Out-of-Store, is subject to debate. 

Although both have advantages and disadvantages, a study made in the last decade by Miller Zell found that across all age, income, gender and channels, evaluated, in-store advertising was considered more effective than out-of-store advertising in raising product awareness and communicating product benefits.  

The key findings from the survey were:

  • Ads in stores were given a “very effective” rating by 32% of respondents, vs. 27% who gave ads outside the store “very effective” ratings.
  • End-of-aisle signage is the type of signage that shoppers most actively engage with. This is followed by merchandising displays, department signage, shelf strips and shelf blades.

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